circle YOUTH

Here at Circle of Peace Church, we walk side by side with our Middle School and High School students. Our goal is always to help students build healthy relationships with their peers, their leaders, and ultimately Jesus. 

Breakfast Club

On Sunday mornings, we host a "Breakfast Club" between our two morning services from 10-10:30am. We snack on donuts, play a few games, and spend time connecting. Then, we attend the regular services together where we get into the word and experience community life with the rest of the church.


For more information, contact Matthew.

Big Youth Breakfast

On the first Sunday of every month, the Circle Youth Group gather around the breakfast table for a time of fellowship, friendship, and... bacon. 🥓 


Circle up on the first Sunday of each month from 10:00 to 10:30 out the south foyer doors... follow the aroma of cooking pancakes. 

Youth Group

On Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm we have Youth Group. This is the perfect time to invite friends and connect with other students in the church. You can expect worship, games, and a teaching that helps students tackle life with the Lord.

Learning + Discipleship

Youth Director Matthew and his team of steadfast volunteers are accompanying the youth of Circle with the aid of two curriculums this season:


Rooted: RestorationThis 31-lesson curriculum on Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and Zechariah that teaches students about the redemptive and restorative work of God.


Rooted: Luke & ActsThis 31-lesson curriculum walks students through the gospel account in the book of Luke, and the account of the growing early church in Acts.