Sermon Series:
The Unwanted Gift | Part Ten
Question 1: You don’t have to have heard the sermon from Sunday, but if you
were in church, watched online, or listened to the podcast, what stuck with
Question 2: The Old Testament is filled with “salvation stories,” where God
intervened and saved his people. Have you thought of this, that the OT stories
are “salvation stories?”
Question 3: The Old Testament has (at least) two foundational ideas: That
humans need rescue, and that God will rescue. Do you find either of these ideas
easy or hard to accept? What about those around you? Do the people around
you find either of those ideas easy or hard to accept? Why or why not?
Question 4: The salvation of Jesus was both similar to and different from than
the salvation stories of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, God often
saved a person or group of people from their sins. In the New Testament, Jesus
saves humanity from all sin. Can you think of other similarities and differences
between “lower case ‘s’ salvation” in the Old Testament and “upper case ‘S”
Salvation” in the New Tetsament?
Question 5: Who do you know that needs a lifeline? What is their situation and
how can we pray for them or help them?
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