The Unwanted Gift | Part Eleven
Read all of Romans 6 (yes, it’s a lot).
Question 1: You don’t have to have heard the sermon from Sunday, but if you were in church, watched online, or listened to the podcast, what stuck with you?
Question 2: One of the major themes in Romans 6 is that we are “Unified With Christ.” This unity has two parts: both Status and Conduct.
Our “Status” means that we are redeemed, restored, saved, and forgiven in God’s eyes.
Our “Conduct” is how we live, in a Christlike manner.
In your church experience, which have you heard more about: Status or Conduct?
In your personal devotions and relationship with Jesus, which do you think about more: Status or Conduct?
If either “Status” or “Conduct” is stronger for you, how can you grow more, learn more, and lean into the one that is weaker for you?
Question 3: The message concluded with two questions inspired by the language in Romans:
What needs to live?
And what needs to die?
We aren’t talking about literally killing things, but about symbolically and spiritually “dying” to some things and “living” to others.
How would you answer these questions for yourself:
What in your life and your relationship with Jesus needs to be fed, nourished, developed, and supported?
What in your life and relationship with Jesus needs to be starved, turned away from, reduced, or stopped?
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