Sermon Series:
A Time to Build | Message Two
The Bible says "For everything there is a season" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Join us for this season, and this series, that is all about building: Building community, building a new worship center, building God's Kingdom, and building up one another.
Scriptures | Psalm 100:2; Mark 12:30
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30
Question 1 | You don’t have to have heard the sermon from Sunday, but if you were in church, watched online, what stuck with you?
Question 2 | Humans were born to love and to worship, it’s like a fire in our heart. But fire has a place. Campfire is good, wildfire is bad! So if we do not put the “fires” of love and worship in the right place, we will put them in the wrong place. For example, we might worship our work, worship wealth, or love something or someone who cannot or will not love us back. If we do not love and worship something worthy, we will love and worship something unworthy. Question: Have you ever observed this, or experienced it yourself?
Question 3 | On Sunday Jeremy said to the congregation (at both services): “If anything in this service has been encouraging to you or helpful to you in any way, say ‘Amen.’” LOTS of people said ‘amen’ at both services! Sunday services can help us love God and worship God, and that changes us. Question: How are you helped, blessed, impacted, or otherwise changed by your participation in Sunday services at Circle?
Question 4 | At Circle, our purpose is to change lives by “reaching up.” By “reaching up,” we mean loving God and worshipping God. For over 2000 years, Sunday services have been a central practice for Christians loving God and worshipping God. At the end of the message, Jeremy invited everyone to participate in 3 things to support Sunday sermoves: 1. A workday at Circle (1/25, 8-11 AM), 2. A Family Meeting & Prayer Walk at Circle (2/2, 11:45 AM), and 3. To give away two “You’re Invited Cards” and invite people to worship. Jeremy also encouraged everyone to pray about who they should give the “You’re Invited” cards to. Who have you been praying for? Which of these three have you done, or do you plan to do? If you’ve already done one or more of these, what was is like?
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